EDITION #9 – How are we going & where to next?

Published – 18th September 2019

Wirnalung Ganai – Aboriginal Inclusion Plan

  • What does Aboriginal inclusion look like?
  • What does Aboriginal inclusion feel like?
  • What does Aboriginal inclusion sound like?

These three questions guided the development of the Wirnalung Ganai, the Department’s Aboriginal Inclusion Plan 2019-2021 which was launched on 8 August, 2019.

The purpose of Wirnalung Ganai is to ensure the Department is:

  • a culturally safe place for Aboriginal employees, prospective employees, volunteers, visitors, community partners, learners and families
  • an organisation where Aboriginal people, without fear of retribution or questioning, proudly identify as Aboriginal and feel safe to be themselves, and where their expertise is valued and respected
  • an organisation committed to Aboriginal self-determination, which is fundamental to better outcomes for Aboriginal learners, and affirms the relationship between government and the Aboriginal community as being one of mutual respect and joint decision-making.

Questions for reflection:

  • How do you acknowledge formally recognised Aboriginal Traditional Owners?
  • How can you celebrate and commemorate significant dates?
  • What might you do to make your classroom a culturally safe place?


To read the full plan, see: Wirnalung Ganai 2019-2021.