By Belinda Webb
EDITION #3 – Have I set high expectations for myself and every student?
Published – 20th March 2019

We are a month in now and hopefully you have built some positive parent relationships and developed a program for engaging regularly with your families. It is now time to begin focusing on establishing healthy classroom habits. In this edition we will look at building in your own routines and habits within your classroom including how to find time to complete daily teacher tasks, such as reading and writing in the student diaries, calling and discussing important information with parents, recording important information, marking roles all whilst ensuring you are making time to eat your lunch!
This edition will also focus on the development of classroom management strategies and their importance in managing challenging behaviours for all students. There will be basic tips on how to positively manage student behaviour in addition to keeping your class engaged and on task. This will include information on recognising signs that you need assistance and seeking help early from your mentor or other leadership teachers to support you to gain skills in developing effective classroom management.