By Belinda Webb
EDITION #1 – How do i get started?
Published – 20th February 2019

Congratulations on beginning your teaching career. I’m sure you are all feeling a range of emotions about the start of the year, which is very normal. Our tips and encouragement for this edition will focus on what to expect in the ‘first week’, including the importance of getting to know your students and their families and making your presence known to them as their teacher. You might choose to focus on doing something special in introducing yourself to your families and students or focus on the development of classroom rules. This week is about getting to know your students, so don’t worry about building curriculum, assessment and all that stuff now, there will be plenty of time for that. Your aim is that they return home, raving about how much fun they had in their classroom and how wonderful their new teacher is. This week will offer lovely moments to build rapport with your student, whilst beginning to develop the rules and expectations with them. Ensure that you make a few decisions about how you will set up your room, and what’s important in how you will introduce things like ‘the day, the timetable, the class rules’, so that you can begin your year on a successful high.