By Elizabeth Browne, Bastow Institute of Educational Leadership
EDITION #6 – How do I take responsibility for my own performance?
Published – 26th June 2019
Department of Education and Training Regional Model
Learning Places is the regional operating model for the Department of Education and Training which came into effect in March 2016. It is a model of place-based service delivery designed to improve the level of support the Department provides to different parts of the education system and to local communities.
The Department established 17 Areas within four regions as the basis of the Learning Places model, for a strong focus on ‘people and place.’ Over 150 new staff were recruited in regions to provide targeted and local support to schools, early childhood services and the training system. These teams work together to ensure that a holistic and complementary set of skills and resources are available for principals to obtain the best outcomes for their schools and students.
Learning Places is supported by the People and Place in the Education State policy and ConnectED, a framework for implementing programs and further policy development.
For further information, watch the videos below or see: structure/Pages/regions.aspx
Learning Places – Multidisciplinary Teams across Victoria see:
Learning Places – Improving Students Lives see: